GreatFire 的新项目—Apple Censorship

By 小二 at 2019-02-04


GreatFire is pleased to announce the launch of our newest project - and our first with a global focus - Apple Censorship ( GreatFire will track Apple iOS applications for instances of censorship, documenting when and how apps are removed in order to provide more transparency. Researchers will be able to better identify potential instances of Apple censorship and enable advocates who know their local context to connect when censorship occurs due to civil society actions and political events. All data and information generated by this project will be made accessible to journalists, advocates, and everyday citizens.

Apple is notoriously opaque when it comes to transparency surrounding their censorship practices, especially in China. Apple did not voluntarily disclose any of the following censorship events: The removal of GreatFire’s FreeWeibo app from the App Store. After prodding from US senators, Apple revealed that in 2016-17, the company removed 334 VPN apps from the China App Store because “they did not meet with Apple’s guidelines”. In January, 2017 Apple removed the New York Times app from the App Store. In October, 2017, the Skype app was removed from the China App Store. In November, 2017, Apple admitted that the company removed 674 VPN apps from the China App Store that year alone. In December 2017, Apple removed the new Dalai Lama app from the App Store. Of the 100 top VPN apps in the US App Store, every single one of them is censored in the China App Store. VPN apps are the only way for them to circumvent censorship. Apple collaborates with the Chinese government to filter these apps. This is a huge obstacle to internet freedom. Without pressuring Apple to change their policy, no internet freedom project will be of any use to these users. Of the VPN apps that do remain in the App Store, many are of dubious quality.

greatfire, 项目, apple, censorship


luzaihefang at 2019-02-04

@luzaihefang 用chrome浏览器啊

Free at 2019-02-08