
By electron8964 at 2020-06-11

DONGSHIGU VILLAGE, China (CNN) – As Christian Bale approached an impromptu checkpoint leading to this tiny village in eastern China, four men blocking the narrow path started marching toward him in menacing unison.

“I am here to see Chen Guangcheng,” the Hollywood actor said and I translated, with correspondent Stan Grant and cameraman Brad Olson next to us.

“Go away!” the plainclothes guards barked, pushing us back.

Amid the scuffling and yelling, dozens more guards in olive-green, military-style overcoats – and two gray minivans – emerged from the other side of the checkpoint, all coming toward us.

“Why can I not visit this free man?” Bale asked repeatedly, only to receive punches from guards aiming for his small camera as they tried to drag him away from the rest of us.

As we retreated, I recognized the ringleader – the same burly man who had hurled rocks at the CNN team 10 months earlier to force us out of the same location.

《金陵十三釵》(英語譯名:The Flowers Of War),是2011年中國導演張藝謀執導的戰爭電影,根據嚴歌苓同名小說改編。影片前後籌備4年,投資預算將達到6億元人民幣,是目前中國電影投資製作最大的一次[2]。將首度邀請好萊塢戰爭特效團隊製作幕後以及國際影星克里斯汀·貝爾擔任男主角,並啟用13位全新中國女演員。將於2011年12月16日在中國上映。

克里斯汀·查爾斯·菲力普·貝爾(英语:Christian Charles Philip Bale[2],1974年1月30日-)是一名威爾斯演員,曾演出《太陽帝國》、《美色殺人狂》、《重裝任務》、《蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻》、《黑暗騎士》等電影,在接演蝙蝠俠角色前,大多參與獨立製片的演出。2011年凭借《燃燒鬥魂》获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角。


Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974) is an English actor.[2] Best known for his roles in American films, Bale has starred in both big budget Hollywood films and the smaller projects from independent producers and art houses. Bale first caught the public eye at the age of 13, when he was cast in the starring role of Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun (1987). He played an English boy who is separated from his parents and subsequently finds himself lost in a Japanese internment camp during World War II.[3] He is also notable for his role as serial killer Patrick Bateman in American Psycho (2000), and for portraying Bruce Wayne/Batman in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008).

In 2010, Bale portrayed Dicky Eklund in the biopic The Fighter. He received critical acclaim for his role and won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role.陳光誠(1971年11月12日-),中國山東臨沂人,因幼時生病導致雙眼失明。陳光誠沒有經過法律的專業培訓,而僅依靠自學法律知識,來幫助許多村民、殘疾人士維護權益,他因此被媒體稱為「赤腳律師」。目前他和妻子、女兒被軟禁在家中。Chen Guangcheng (born November 12, 1971) is a blind civil rights activist in the People’s Republic of China who drew international attention to human rights issues in rural areas. He was placed under house arrest from September 2005 to March 2006 after talking to Time magazine about the forced abortion cases he investigated in Linyi Prefecture, Shandong Province. Authorities formally arrested him in June 2006 for destruction of property and assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic.[1][2] During his trial, Chen’s lawyers were forbidden access to the court, leaving him without a proper defender. On August 24, 2006, Chen was sentenced to four years and three months for “damaging property and organising a mob to disturb traffic”

Chen was released from prison on September 8, 2010 after serving his full sentence, but remains under “ruanjin” or soft detention at his home in Dongshigu Village (东师古村).Chen and his wife were reportedly beaten shortly after a human rights group released a video of their home under intense police surveillance on February 9, 2011。

2011年,贝尔作为张艺谋导演的金陵十三钗的主角来中国宣传,同时他自己驱车八个小时从北京来到山东临沂看望陈光诚,可惜当贝尔到东师古村陈家附近时,被中国国保拦住不允许见陈光诚,双方有些许身体接触和冲突。 虽然贝尔此次探访没有成功,但应该促进了海外人权组织营救陈光诚,最终在多方努力之下, 陈光诚2012年4月下旬进入美国领事馆,最终5月19号和家人离开中国飞往美国。 陈光诚逃离中共非法监禁的过程也是一个惊心动魄的营救故事,希望未来可以拍成一部电影。




electron8964 at 2020-06-11