Black Lives Matter! 国际工人团结斗争! 反对美国及香港警暴!

By Socialist1917 at 2020-06-11



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美国明尼阿波尼斯的警察杀死非洲裔人George Floyd,掀起全国反对警察暴力的抗争运动。在英国、德国、比利时以至香港都有声援行动。国际社会主义前进在此表达国际团结!

美国警察种族歧视及极端暴力并不是第一天發生的事。早在2014年以来有多宗美国黑人被警察无辜谋杀,而凶手往往被司法制度包庇,被判无罪释放,长期积累群众怨愤至今爆發。至今官方的验尸报告甚至强调George Floyd有心脏病、体内疑似有毒素等,企图为凶杀案涂脂抹粉。







我们与明尼阿波利斯及纽约市的综合交通工会(ATU )动员了司机拒载警察及被捕人士到拘留所。我们在西雅图的市议会议员萨旺特(Kshama Sawant)在议会提出动议,禁止警察压颈、禁止使用化学武器、橡胶子弹及声波炮,并削减一半警队预算。我们正在推动美国發动一天的大罢工。







Black Lives Matter! Workers of the World Unite! Fight Police Brutality in US and HK!

The murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police in the United States set off a nationwide protest movement against police brutality. Solidarity protests also took place in the U.K., Germany, Belgium. We International Socialist Forward are here today in Taiwan to show our solidarity with the US masses!

It is not the first racist violence by the US police. Since 2014, many black Americans and people of colour have been murdered in cold blood by the police. Yet the murderers have often been acquitted by the judicial system. Now the public anger that have accumulated for years has erupted and bursted into mass protests. Until now, the police autopsy report even emphasizes that George Floyd has heart disease and drugs in his body, attempting to disatract public attention away from the murder.

Trump sent in police and troops which used tear gas, pepper and rubber bullets against protesters. Even journalists, elderly and children were targeted. These terrorist methods are the same as those of the Hong Kong police under the CCP dictatorship.

Similar to how the CCP put the blame of the Hong Kong democracy movement on “Hong Kong independence forces”, Trump also attacked the protests now in the US for being instigated by the “terrorist organization” ANTIA. But ANTIFA played no real role at all! Just like what the state media of CCP did to Hong Kong protests, the mainstream capitalist media in the US outrageously magnified the “violence” of the demonstrators, ignoring the the biggest terrorist violence now which is the state itself. The so-called democratic US is now doing the same thing as what Xi Jinping’s dictatorship did, attacking people’s resistance with violence and lies!

The issues of police brutality and racism in the US are not about actions by individual policemen, but the capitalist system as a whole. Both the judicial system and law enforcement agency in US are plagued by white supremacism, and often see blacks as “criminals.” Black people are three times more likely to end up in prison than whites.

The pandemic has exposed the impotence of Trump’s government. At first, the pandemic was downplayed for economic reasons, and after it became a full blown pandemic the privatization of the medical system made it only possible for rich people to afford complete medical care, making the United States the country with the worst-hit by the pandemic in the world. While black people account for 13% of the total population of the United States, due to poverty and lack of public medical services, blacks account for 23% of the total deaths from COVID-19. The death rate of black people in some states is as high as 70%.

the US economy is also in a deep crisis, many tenants face eviction, social service funding has been severely cut, and up to 40 million people are unemployed. Workers and youth, both black and white, have suffered enough. The only way out is to be united in this struggle against the economic system dominated by the rich.

The two major parties in the United States, like the three main parties in Taiwan, represent the interests of elites and big companies, none of them stand for democracy. In the United States, most of the cities where mass protests broke out had Democratic Party governments, and the Democratic Party chose to mobilize the police to attack the demonstrators. Democratic Party presidential candidate Biden called on the police not to shoot demonstrators in the heads and hearts, but instead shoot then in their hands and feet! Our sister organization in the US “Socialist Alternative” are participating n this struggle to build a party of working class that can challenge the two major parties of the American capitalism.

Together with Minneapolis and the New York City Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), we organised drivers to refuse carrying arrested protesters for the police. Our city council member Kshama Sawant in Seattle filed a motion in the City Council to ban the police from using chemical weapons, rubber bullets and sonic guns, and to cut the police budget by half. We are also fighting for a nationwide one-day strike in the United States.

On the 31st anniversary of the June 4th Tainanmen massacre, the US government hypocritically said that we would not forget the Massacre, but at the same time sent its own troops to attack the Tsai Ing-wen, who solemnly expressed her support for the democratic struggle in Hong Kong, said nothing about the US protests. What these leaders really care about is not democratic rights, they only use anti-China rhetoric to win public support in order to strengthen their position to compete for market interests in the geopolitical imperialist conflicts. We cannot rely on fake democratic governments such as the United States and Taiwan governments to defend democratic rights. What is required is united struggle by the oppressed people all over the world. We call on workers and masses in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United States to stand in solidarity with each other. Only by overthrowing the capitalist system in China, the United States, Taiwan and the world can we end racist discrimination, violence and exploitation!

International Socialist Forward stand for:

• No support to both Chinese and American Governments. Fight police brutality in both the United States and Hong Kong.

• Indict all four police responsible for Gerge Floyd’s murder, restructure and reorganize the police force along democratic lines under the control of trade unions and community committees.

• Cut the police budget by half and use those public funds to build public housing and schools.

• Working class of the world unite! Fight to overthrow the capitalist system that creates racism.

Lives, Black, 警暴, Matter, 团结