近日,联合国高级事务官员米歇尔-巴切莱特表示,一些亚太国家在新冠疫情期间打压言论自由,逮捕 发布疫情信息或对政府做法提出批评的人士 。她特别提到了我们的朋友– #陈玫 和 #蔡伟, 表示他们“因用网上仓库保存文章而遭到逮捕”。
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet expressed her concerns about the suppression of freedom of expression in some countries during #Covid19 outbreak, including the detaining of our friends, Cai Wei and Chen Mei.
In China, the UN Human Rights Office received information on more than a dozen cases of medical professionals, academics and ordinary citizens who appear to have been detained, and in some instances charged, for publishing their views or other information on the situation related to COVID-19, or who have been critical of the Government’s response to the outbreak. These cases include two young graduate students who were reportedly detained in April after setting up an online repository of web content related to the COVID-19 outbreak in China.
2020.4.19~2020.6.10 第53天。
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