
By 爱狗却养猫 at 2020-06-10


【清华毕业混的最差的,现在怎么样了?】 我的朋友,清华社会学硕士毕业。现被秘密关押,已52天。他本可以做着数据工程师的工作,养两只猫,安稳生活。但他参与了 #端点星 计划,保存微信微博的404文章,只为了这些互联网记忆不被消失。这就是清华最有理想的人的遭遇,你说他聪明还是傻?

端点, 52, 失联, 志愿者, 事件





Dear Mr./Ms./(头衔) [Name],

My name is XXX. I am writing to urge you to voice for two young Chinese COVID-19 activists, who were detained by Beijing police on April 19, 2020, and had been held incommunicado ever since, after sharing censored coronavirus materials on crowdsourcing site Github.

Their stories have been covered by multiple media outlets such as New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/04/world/asia/china-coronavirus-answers.html), Daily Mail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8261025/Three-Beijing-activists-missing-preserving-virus-articles-online.html), and Sky News Australia (https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6160626747001). Organizations such as Amnesty International (https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa17/2289/2020/en/) and Reporters without Borders (https://rsf.org/en/news/china-detained-fighting-censorship) have also called for their release.

Cai and Chen were contributors to a crowd-sourced Github project known as Terminus2049, which aims at overcoming China’s censorship by preserving censored news content. Since the COVID-19 outbreak in China, they have collected and archived around 100 articles related to the pandemic, with topics ranging from leaked documents to deleted news. On April 19, 2020, Cai and Chen were arrested on charges of “picking quarrels and stirring up trouble”, an accusation often used against political activists in China. Since then, they had been kept under “residential surveillance in a designated location (RSDL)”, a term that refers to China’s “secret prisons.” Detainees under RSDL are deprived of their legal rights such as access to attorneys, and face high risks of tortures and ill-treatment.

Cai graduated from one of China’s top university, Tsinghua University, with a master’s degree in sociology; and Chen graduated from South China Agricultural University. They have both volunteered in multiple non-profit organizations focused on education and public welfare. Since 2018, Cai and Chen had been fighting in the frontline for the freedom of speech and press in China. Their crowd-sourced social projects help to wake and encourage tens of thousands of Chinese both in mainland and oversea to join the campaigns against the censorship and propaganda orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party.

Since the pandemic, there have been more than 3700 COVID-19 related arrests made in China. With the increasing toll from COVID-19 we have seen first hand the costs of censorship from the CCP in the lives of innocent people all over the world. U.S. Assistant Secretary Robert Destro voiced for Chen and Cai on twitter (https://twitter.com/DRL_AS/status/1255239304986624002) and called it “shameful” to arrest and detain people who try to share information about COVID-19. “What is the CCP so afraid they might uncover?” He asked, “We need transparency to fight this pandemic together.” This isn’t a matter of politics, this is a matter of basic human rights.

Therefore, I urge you, please voice for the Cai and Chen, calling Beijing to reveal their detained location and latest conditions, let them see their family and attorneys, and help them to avoid further restriction of freedom and torture.

Thank you very much!


[Your Name]

爱狗却养猫 at 2020-06-10