
By 爱狗却养猫 at 2020-05-31

2020.4.19~2020.5.31 四十三,43天。43个白天,42个黑夜。


陳純一 @tansunit (2020/5/30)

《国际财经时报》International Business Times 报道 #端点星案 和相关人物,包括 #张展 #陈玫 #蔡伟 等人。

After Silencing Coronavirus Whistleblowers, China Now Detains Citizens Documenting Outbreak


链接:https://www.ibtimes.com/after-silencing-coronavirus-whistleblowers-china-now-detains-citizens-documenting-2984736 (2020/5/29)


Other incidents reported by the FT include: 其他《财经时报》提到的案例有: ……

Chen Mei, who was archiving articles on coronavirus, was detained in late April. (陈玫)

Joining Chen Mei, were activist Cai Wei and his girlfriend who were arrested by Beijing police, according to an unnamed family member. Their “crime,” running a digital archive of COVID-19 articles and social media posts. (蔡伟及女友)

端点, 时报, 报道, 事件, 财经