2020年5月7日,国际特赦组织就 #端点星事件 发出了紧急呼吁,并表示由于没有关于 #陈玫、#蔡伟 及 #小唐 的关押地点及其状况的任何讯息,他们很有可能受到酷刑或其他不人道待遇。
Chen Mei, along with two other contributors to a crowd-sourced project known as Terminus2049, were taken away by police in Beijing on 19 April 2020. Their arrest is suspected to be related to their involvement in a project to retroactively archive censored articles relating to COVID-19. With no information about Chen Mei’s whereabouts or current condition, there are grave concerns that he is at real risk of torture or other ill-treatment.