The Unforgiven 不可饶恕

By Merlin at 2020-04-26

New blood joins this earth.新的血液降临大地。

And quikly he’s subdued.很快就被这世界征服。

Through constant pain disgrace.通過沒完沒了的痛苦與恥辱。

The young boy learns their rules.年輕的男孩學會了他們的處世規則。

With time the child draws in.隨着時光流逝,孩子成为了世界的一份子。

This whipping boy done wrong.這個替罪羔羊做了些蠢事。

Deprived of all his thoughts.(因为)被剥夺了该有的思想。

The young man struggles on & on he’s known.他竭盡全力為他所知的,

A vow unto his own.真正屬於他自己的,

That never from this day.不適用於今時今日的理念而奮鬥!

His will they’ll take away.然而其志將為人所奪。

What I’ve felt ! 我所感受到的,

What I’ve known ! 我所知道的,

Never shined through in what I’ve shown ! 從來无法得到表达

Never be ! 从沒有!

Never see ! 从未見過!

Won’t see what might have been ! 从未见过事情本该有的样子!

Never free ! 从未自由!

Never me ! 从未自我!

So I dub the unforgiven ! 所以我称之为不可饶恕!

They dedicate their lives.他们一生倾尽全力。

To running all of his.来维持他们的一切。

He tries please them all.他盡力去使他們滿意。

This bitter man he is.這個痛苦的人啊!

Throughout his life the same.他的一生都是如此這般。

He’s battled constantly.他堅持不懈的鬥爭下去。

This fight he cannot win.明知這場戰鬥無法勝出。

A tired man they see no longer cares.一個疲憊不堪的人不會在意。

The old man then prepares.老人们已準備好了

To die regretfully.懊惱地死去。

That old man here is me.這個老人就是我。

U labeled me ! 你为我贴上标签!

I’ll label U ! 我也會回贈你!

So I dub the unforgiven ! 所以我付與你不可饒恕之稱!

The, Unforgiven, 饶恕, 不可