
By tongtingwah at 2020-04-05

The America I know will come back stronger than ever Madeline Sanchez, Your viewPublished 1:35 a.m. MT April 5, 2020

“Every time someone sneezes, 100 people poop their pants!” This is how Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff explains the current run on toilet paper. Indeed, this is as close to the truth as any other explanation, even though the COVID-19 virus reportedly does not affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Recently, as I walked through Walmart and saw aisle after aisle of empty shelves I couldn’t help but think that this is what shopping must have been like for young Yakov living in the Soviet Union. There was almost no meat. I did manage to snag a couple of packages of Italian sausage, even though I have no plans to use it any time soon. There was no flour, sugar, eggs, or frozen vegetables and, of course, no toilet paper. Luckily for my husband and I, we have a full pantry and freezer so we will be fine during this current emergency, at least for awhile.

Stores are restocking their shelves as fast as they can but are unable to keep up with the demand. A friend sent me a text to let me know that she had been able to score a small package of cheap toilet paper. It was almost like winning the lottery!

According to a recent article in the Sun-News, Governor Lujan Grisham insists the “supply chain is strong.” So why the bare shelves? My answer came while I was shopping. I witnessed people with cases of toilet paper and other paper products, along with other necessities stacked high in their carts. My husband was attempting to get something out of the grocery store freezer when a woman pushed her way in and reached over his shoulder to get what she wanted. She became indignant when he insisted she back off. So much for the six-foot social isolation we are supposed to be practicing, not to mention common courtesy!

I truly believe in the inherent goodness of people and especially Americans. We have always come together in times of crisis. So what is going on now? Where is our humanity? Seems, in some cases, we have allowed fear to take over and reduce us to animal instinct, like the films we see on TV of people in Third World countries pushing and shoving each other trying to get a bag of rice or flour.

On the other hand, there are stories in the newspaper of human goodness and generosity, like Amy Whipple of Las Cruces who has built a cupboard of sorts in her front yard stocked with some basic necessities and inviting others to help themselves or drop off items.

Stores are setting aside hours for senior citizens and at-risk individuals to shop before the shelves are wiped clean. They are also limiting how many of a particular item a customer can buy.

Coronavirus blog: What you need to know about the COVID-19 outbreak

Many big businesses like Ford and Chevrolet and also many smaller business are retooling their plants to make needed medical equipment and supplies, like ventilators, respirators and face masks. Some CEOs are forfeiting their own salaries so their employees can continue to get paid. Scientists are working long hours to come up with a cure or a treatment, maybe even a vaccine.

Fortunately, we had a strong economy before this happened and, once we get back to work, I believe we will come back stronger than ever. In the meantime, let’s not let fear overrule our sense of humanity. Check on your neighbors and your elderly relatives. Make sure they have what they need. If you have an abundance of anything, share it with others. That is the real America I still believe in.

Madeline Sanchez is a nurse with over 30 years experience. She retired from the Air Force Reserve after 22 years, with the rank of major. She resides with her husband in La Mesa, NM


美国会, 以往, 强大, 认识


kyq at 2020-04-06


陈士杰 at 2020-04-06

“每次有人打喷嚏,就有100人拉裤子!”这是俄罗斯喜剧演员雅科夫·斯米尔诺夫(Yakov Smirnoff)对目前卫生纸短缺的解释。事实上,这与任何其他解释一样接近事实,尽管据报道新冠病毒不会影响胃肠道。

陈士杰 at 2020-04-06


陈士杰 at 2020-04-06


根据“太阳报”最近的一篇文章,州长卢扬·格里沙姆(Lujan Grisham)坚称“供应链很强大”。那么为什么是光秃秃的货架呢?我对此的答案是从购物中观察到的。我目睹人们拿着一箱箱的卫生纸和其他纸制品,以及其他必需品高高地堆放在他们的手推车里。我丈夫正试图从杂货店的冰箱里拿东西,这时一名妇女挤了进去,从他肩上伸过手去拿她想要的东西。当他坚持要她退后时,她变得义愤填膺。我们应该实行的六英尺高的社会隔离就到这里吧,更不用说普通的礼貌了!

陈士杰 at 2020-04-06


另一方面,报纸上也有关于人类善良和慷慨的故事,比如拉斯克鲁塞斯的艾米·惠普尔(Amy Whiple)在她的前院建了一个类似于橱柜的东西,里面放着一些基本必需品,并邀请其他人自助或投递物品。

陈士杰 at 2020-04-06






陈士杰 at 2020-04-06

@陈士杰 #3 我看见相反,病毒不但影响胃肠道,还可以藏匿在肠道,在“治愈”复发。更可以通过粪便传染。

该干嘛继续干 at 2020-04-06