THECITIZENLAB 报告:中国社交媒体如何管控疫情信息

By 小二 at 2020-03-06



  • YY, a live-streaming platform in China, began to censor keywords related to the coronavirus outbreak on December 31, 2019, a day after doctors (including the late Dr. Li Wenliang) tried to warn the public about the then unknown virus.
  • WeChat broadly censored coronavirus-related content (including critical and neutral information) and expanded the scope of censorship in February 2020. Censored content included criticism of government, rumours and speculative information on the epidemic, references to Dr. Li Wenliang, and neutral references to Chinese government efforts on handling the outbreak that had been reported on state media.
  • Many of the censorship rules are broad and effectively block messages that include names for the virus or sources for information about it. Such rules may restrict vital communication related to disease information and prevention.

  • yy 语音在2019年12月31日就加入了疫情相关的屏蔽关键词。

  • 微信广泛审查疫情相关的内容,哪怕是非常重要的无立场的信息。

  • 信息管制可能会限制疫情信息的沟通和病毒防控。

THECITIZENLAB, 社交, 管控, 疫情, 媒体