
By 水帖专用 at 2020-02-06

我把中国的各个阶层简单地分为三个:赵家人、中产、底层 。现在三个阶层谁都没有动力做出改变。 赵家人不愿意做出改变,这个不解释。你们都懂。

再说中产,这个可以参考各种岁月静好,人民生活幸福。只有能够保持经济增长,中产生活水平不下降,他们不会有任何的政治诉求,不会发表和当局不同的意见(即使有,也被上一个阶层彻底的清除)。去政治化已经是中产的共识,对于他们来说,不要给自己找不自在,天天岁月静好,只要生活水准不下降就不折腾,难过时各种消费,就很好。 至于底层,他们也不懂政治,没有任何关于政治的知识,提到政治就是造反。加之各种娱乐手段,可以靠手机获得廉价的快乐(在几十年前就有人预测一定会发展各种发泄型产业,可以参考奶头乐理论https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh/奶头乐 ),做一头快乐的猪。

做出, 愿意, 改变, 没有

I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.

All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didn’t care, but because we didn’t know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted.

The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.

To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.

小二 at 2020-02-06