[建议]推荐站长在通过jekyll或hugo snowblossom channel上建站或做备份

By tptb at 2020-01-30

经试用目前已可建站: 英文介绍: https://wiki.snowblossom.org/index.php/Channels

snowblossom, 上建站, hugo, channel, jekyll

做种子的人越多, 网站加载速度 越快,不需要服务器

tptb at 2020-01-30


tptb at 2020-01-30


tptb at 2020-01-30

英文 介绍页面 没有及时更新,这个软件目前已经适合 建站了,速度很好 ,

tptb at 2020-01-30

点对点torrent种子模式代替中心化的服务器 来 加载网站。 强烈推荐推广使用。这个无需付费翻墙。 很多站都可在这上面也做个镜像。

tptb at 2020-01-30

https://2049bbs.github.io/ 免翻墙镜像

小二 at 2020-01-30

谢谢。 如果看得懂这个页面的话 https://wiki.snowblossom.org/index.php/Channels ,推荐大家都下载 试用下:

下载链接:https://snowblossom.org/jars/ChannelIceLeaf_deploy.jar (需要安装java打开;目前只有demo站点,聊天室 )

tptb at 2020-01-30

我觉得这个软件如果广泛使用的话,可以解决GFW问题, 没听说过torrent下载被封过。 缺点 是处于初期阶段,没什么内容,现在用的人, 都是最早的用户。

tptb at 2020-01-30


satoshidice.com creator

2003-2008 - ACM Programming Team member and later coach

2009-2013 - Amazon AWS Messaging (SQS/SNS)

2013-2018 - Google SRE Cryptowork

2013 Sockthing Java bitcoin mining pool software

2013 Horrible Horrendous Terrible Tremendous Mining Pool

2014-2015 jelectrum Java electrum server

2017 securing bitcoin a little paper on how to lose coins

2018 Snowblossom

给该开发者提建议: snowblosslom.slack.com

tptb at 2020-01-30

给该 开发者提建议: Most of the magic happens in slack. Slack -https://join.slack.com/t/snowblossom/shared_invite/enQtMzY1OTEzODYzNjk5LTI5NTIxMDQ1NTQ2OTMwZjgxOTk3MGRjZGI1OTI2ZWQyOGU2NjYwZTZmM2ZkMmJiMWVmODdmMmU5OWRjNWQ1Yjc

Discord - https://discord.gg/cfkBs53 他几乎每天都在

tptb at 2020-01-30

@tptb #10 你去建


这个建站很简单,建站或使用都是零成本,如果可以推广让很多人用的话,以再也不用担心 内容被审核 的问题

可以直接复制用开发者提供的例子,然后下语言就是中文 聊天室 https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/channel-examples 或是 https://gohugo.io/ https://jekyllrb.com/ 做博客目前很适合。

这里也可以给开发者反馈: 他昨天在这里问大家下一步要开发什么: https://www.reddit.com/r/snowblossom/comments/ewayqq/what_should_be_next/

tptb at 2020-01-31

[3:40 AM] fireduck: https://www.reddit.com/r/snowblossom/comments/ewayqq/what_should_be_next/ reddit r/snowblossom - What should be next? 0 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit [3:40 AM] fireduck: Feel free to comment there or here [4:00 AM] dcct: for me its definitely 1) [4:00 AM] fireduck: cool. I have part of the encryption framework ready. It should be good. [5:10 AM] Big Chuffer: Def 1. Thought DGB was gunna make a messenger but it never panned out [5:29 AM] fireduck: cool [5:35 AM] dcryptt: Agree with 1 :D! [5:51 AM] fireduck: Question is, any reason to not use AES/128 for the symmetric bit? [6:26 AM] fireduck: It will of course have to be two phase. One part, generate new symmetric key, encrypt that using the public key of each of the allowed readers. [6:27 AM] fireduck: The next phase, is to use the symmetric key to encrypt the actual content [6:28 AM] fireduck: Since that symmetric key will have to be duplicated time however many readers there are, I’d prefer to use a smaller one if possible [6:35 AM] fireduck: AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING [7:20 AM] Rotonen: running that on tor and running something like the silkroad on it will make those keys quite high stakes piles of bytes [7:21 AM] Rotonen: take your time, getting that wrong will get people killed [7:27 AM] Rotonen: sigh, i only have bad ideas today: so, firstly something like that would conveniently enough have the payment system already baked in and it could sustain itself by letting anyone host the channel and splitting the revenue to the anonymous parties whom host it

now this line of thinking would make the earlier talk of maybe doing a proper anonymization layer a touch more relevant to actually go and think about [7:29 AM] Rotonen: wherein i mean along the lines of zcash / monero transactions when i say anonymization layer [9:04 AM] girugamesh: That’s quite a take. I have kind of gravitated towards the position that bitcoin/monero are the most likely to win out among everything else. So the objective for most projects is the differentiate themselves [9:10 AM] girugamesh: They say you can’t reinvent the wheel, but I think fireduck is on to something [9:23 AM] girugamesh: Anyway, snow channels could really turn out to be a Pandora’s box, but I’m not opposed to them [9:59 AM] Steve: In order of preference: 1,3,2 [11:08 AM] fireduck: I’m on it

tptb at 2020-01-31