哈耶克回忆他的 cousin 维特根斯坦

By 小二 at 2019-11-20


亲属关系太复杂,没搞懂这个 cousin 到底对应什么……

哈耶克比他小 10 岁,对于这个远亲疯子,很多细腻的观察很有意思。比如对 truthfulness 的热忱。

It meant much more than truth in speech. One had to “live” truth and not tolerate any pretence in oneself or others. It sometimes produced outright rudeness and, certainly, unpleasantness. Every convention was dissected and every conventional form exposed as fraud. Wittgenstein merely carried this further in applying it to himself. I sometimes felt that he took a perverse pleasure in discovering falsehood in his own feelings and that he was constantly trying to purge himself of all fraud.

哈耶克, cousin, 维特根斯坦, 回忆


笑翻江山 at 2019-11-20

she was the sister of my maternal great-grandfather— and, as I now know, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s maternal grandmother


话题起头,便在括号里插入“characteristic vogue among the young…”这种春秋笔法,看起来哈耶克对这种偏执,乃至这位表亲本人,均有些不以为然。

…beginning with his impressions of the Russians at Vienna, an experience which evidently had shaken him to his depth and destroyed certain long-cherished illusions.


懦夫斯基 at 2019-11-20