- 靠“人工”智能(真正的私人contractors)选择他们喜好的排序,以此为标准更新搜索(Zack Langley of Lionbridge Technologies Inc.的表述;“Mr. Langley was given hundreds of real search results and told to use his judgment to rate them according to quality, reputation and usefulness, among other factors.”; “Mr. Langley said it seemed like Google wanted him to change content on search so Google would have what he called plausible deniability about making those decisions. He said contractors would get notes from Lionbridge that he believed came from Google telling them the “correct” results on other searches.”)
- 靠内部的“go/bad reporting system”人工干预算法排序(“how do vaccines cause autism”的例子)
- 有一些网站在blacklists中 (“The Gateway Pundit” & “The United West”);有一些网站被人工提高或减低排序(abortion的例子;conservative的网站和blog) (“Google’s shifting policies on interference—and its lack of transparency about them—inevitably force employees to become arbiters of what is acceptable, a dilemma that opens the door to charges of bias or favoritism.”)
- 政府 2016年以后要求了大量的人工干预移除一些搜索结果 (“Nearly 78% of those removal requests have been since the beginning of 2016”)
- Google不再强调free expression (“Google’s culture of publicly resisting demands to change results has diminished, current and former employees said.”)
编辑的重灾区是“auto-complete feature”
- 因该是人工删除了一些联想词 (”less inflammatory than those of the other engines”)
- 有人工制定的blacklists
- 这个其实有非常严重的anti-competitive的问题,以此为理由其实可以要求对google进行oversight或者拆分…(“engineers opted to tilt results to favor prominent businesses over smaller ones, based on the argument that customers were more likely to get what they wanted at larger outlets. ”)
- 大客户会收到更多的信息帮助他们提高搜索排序 (“Some very big advertisers received direct advice on how to improve their organic search results, a perk not available to businesses with no contacts at Google”)
- 对大公司的更新更快 (“Google updates its index of some sites such as Facebook and Amazon more frequently, a move that helps them appear more often in search results”)
- 也可以打压大公司, 比如Ebay,让他们屈服 (“Google told the company it had made a decision to lower the ranking of a large number of eBay pages that were a big source of traffic.”)
- 甚至可以不给理由地干掉小公司 (DealCatcher的例子)
- Facebook做得更过分(“have taken a more aggressive approach, manually removing problem content and devising rules around what it defines as misinformation. ”)
- 描述了怎么样可以提高google排序的方法(比如freshness,langurage,location,time staying,等等)
auto-complete feature 是真的必须人工介入,我对人工介入没什么不满,关键是希望这里面有明确的规范,而不是黑箱。
我比较赞成拆分 Google,搜索就和印钞一样,想要不作恶太难了。
另外就是 Google 作为铁杆民主党,不知道这个报道会不会被用来证明干预大选。
我朋友他们公司(媒体)用的google 企业云,有专门的search engine optimization 部门,与google 商量如何更好的提交site map~~
另 Facebook 前几天好像因为用户数据问题(Cambridge Analytica scandal)去了国会听证会:
“Advertisers tell us who they want to reach and we do the placement,” Zuckerberg said. “We do not sell data to advertisers.”
@小二 #1
为什么必须需要人工干预呢?人的目的和想法太多了,人工干预就是一个zero-sum,希望出现的那个词赢了,被人工干预消失的那个词输了… 用算法比较直接和透明吧…
Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo’s chief executive, said that for certain words or phrases entered into the search box, such as ones that might be offensive, DuckDuckGo has decided to block all of its auto-complete suggestions, which it licenses from Yahoo.
政治的方面我不懂… 但是文章的确隐含了google打压conservative偏好liberal的意思…
@勃列日涅夫 #3
这个我认为还是公说公有理,Google提供了算法,其他人explore算法,我认为是合理的;如果Google觉得不公平,那它可以改变更新算法。另外Ebay的说法是:这不是一个单一的事件,是长期的持续的打击(“We’ve experienced significant and consistent drops in Google SEO for many years”)
Online marketplace eBay had long relied on Google for as much as a third of its internet traffic. In 2014, traffic suddenly plummeted—contributing to a $200 million hit in its revenue guidance for that year.
Google told the company it had made a decision to lower the ranking of a large number of eBay pages that were a big source of traffic.
EBay executives debated pulling their quarterly advertising spending of around $30 million from Google to protest, but ultimately decided to step up lobbying pressure on Google, with employees and executives calling and meeting with search engineers, according to people familiar with the matter. A similar episode had hit traffic several years earlier, and eBay had marshaled its lobbying might to persuade Google to give it advice about how to fix the problem, even relying on a former Google staffer who was then employed at eBay to work his contacts, according to one of those people.
This time, Google ultimately agreed to improve the ranking of a number of pages it had demoted while eBay completed a broader revision of its website to make the pages more “useful and relevant,” the people said. The revision was arduous and costly to complete, one of the people said, adding that eBay was later hit by other downrankings that Google didn’t help with.
“We’ve experienced significant and consistent drops in Google SEO for many years, which has been disproportionally detrimental to those small businesses that we support,” an eBay spokesman said. SEO, or search-engine optimization, is the practice of trying to generate more search-engine traffic for a website.
@勃列日涅夫 #6
这个我认为这就是猫捉老鼠啦,出现作弊手段,google就可以去补漏改进算法。如果说算法判断不出来,需要人工干预,我觉得是google的工程师不够努力… 呃,我好像过于资本主义的嘴脸了…
@小二 #7
联想词很容易出现你所说的 offensive case 的问题,这个问题的本质就是,机器学习是从人产生的数据中学习,人是怎样,机器就学成那个样子。但是,我们都知道有些东西符合人性,比如色情,歧视,脏话等,但是不能出现在正式场合,这种情形就需要人工介入,去定义这些 special case。
和回复 @勃列日涅夫 ,差不多,我觉得只要是人都有偏见;不存在一个偏见好于另一个偏见;我们需要的是如何定义我们认为好,它的标准是什么,如何识别,把这些规则给算法,让算法去判断。
@xyz #9 @勃列日涅夫 #10 @小二 #7 这个话题让我想起一个哲学问题:
@勃列日涅夫 #10 #11
是啊,contractors应该就是用来帮semi-supervised learning或者supervised learning标注的吧… 其实我很好奇,为什么不能用unsupervised learning呢?Google不担心因为这些contractors的偏见导致标注出现偏差,从而人工智能学习的结果也会展示这种偏见吗?
最近在学习machine learning的知识,但是主要集中在大数据和数据降维的理论这一块,还没有碰过supervised learning这一块… 能否解释一下为啥google选择supervised learning这种吗?
嗯嗯嗯,我主要的担心是连Ebay这种大公司都有可能被google所威胁和影响,不用说其他小公司了… 从这点上看,我支持拆了google…
@alexanderya #12
先把Asimov’s Laws搞起来…
@勃列日涅夫 #19
呃,读了一下,这些审核员也很辛苦啊… 熬大夜,而且没有技术含量,学不到东西。
让我想起了以前看过的一个关于youtube外包censorship 的report,现在找不到了,也是这种labor intensive的工作… 但是这种工作是那些审核员所能找到的最好的工作了,当youtube慢慢转向AI以后这些工作慢慢地也会消失… 听上去很悲伤很无赖的感觉…
唉,好像只要是有supervised 的learning,好像supervisor的偏见都是不可避免的。希望以后多搞点unsupervised learning吧… 或者supervisor只判断事实(比如这张图片是否露点),而不判断价值(这张图片是否是色情)也可以…
@xyz #20 我似乎也看过类似的文章,审核员的心理健康问题,今年年初有过一阵热度。