
By celestialforce at 2019-11-17



右键->inspect element->delete element


杂志, 香港, 抗议者, 人物



Time magazine also holds an online poll for the readers to vote for who they believe to be the Person of the Year. While many mistakenly believe the winner of the poll to be the Person of the Year, the title, as mentioned above, is decided by the editors of Time. In the first online poll held in 1998, wrestler and activist Mick Foley won with over 50% of the votes.[15][16] Foley was removed from the poll, and the title was given to Bill Clinton and Ken Starr, which led to outrage from the fans of Foley who mistakenly believed the winner of the poll would be the winner of the title. In 2006, the poll winner by a wide margin was Hugo Chávez, with 35% of the votes. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came in second. Time again ignored those results, not mentioning them in the announcement of the Person of the Year.[17] Time continues to annually run an online poll for the “People’s Choice”, but stresses the decision on whom the magazine recognizes is not made by the poll, but by the magazine’s editors.[18]

小二 at 2019-11-17