
By Tachikoma at 2018-03-11

来自http://qr.ae/TU8QzQ 问题评论


  1. Communism is a binary weapon. Its two components are harmless, if kept separated, and will remain with us for the foreseeable future

(a) revolutionary romantics - “Another world is possible

(b) hard-nosed, clear-headed, strong-willed practical guys. True Communists, born leaders—the few, the proud, the selected. They don’t care much for “Another world”, they are focussed on the bottomless possibilities of this one. Their ultimate dream is self-realization through unlimited power. these true Communists do not always know their calling beforehand. Yet, when the D-day comes, they instantly realize their destiny, and majestically rise to the occasion. They never go halfway, until their cause is a done deal. Their motto is “Power grows out of the barrel of a gun”, and transforms into “Only the paranoid survives” once they are in power.

  1. What makes the two find each other?

Any catastrophic disturbance of social order, whether provoked by war, or famine, or a natural disaster, or stupid, delusional, corrupt rulers.

It also requires an unusual level of inequality. Which is possible to measure (Gini coefficient), and then you know: when a big-scale calamity happens, which place is ripe for the Communist revolution.

This map shows the budding revolutionaries all good breeding grounds for Communism, courtesy of World Bank.

Key word: Inequality.

In case you are still guessing, Mao is self-evidently (1.b)

Another contribution from Dima, Oct 3, 2017:

If you want to feel like a real communist, you must do all the right things, in the right order: Read the classics and be able to answer the question: “What are the three sources and the three integral parts of Marxism?” Join a local Communist cell, or form your own and establish a contact with other local cells, in order to organize yourselves and propagate the ideas and practices of the Communist transformation of your society Take side with the subjugated working people in your neighbourhood and at your working place, use every opportunity to explain to them how their lives will turn to the better once the political power is taken by you. You must organize strikes, demonstrations, sit-ins and other forms of civil action that disturb the bourgeois political life and reveal to the working classes the deceptive nature of so-called freedom of speech, freedom of association and other myths of bourgeois ideology. Never flinch from use of violence, including use of weapon, in fighting the oppressing classes. Their past history of subjugation and exploitation, as well as their future crimes, vindicate civil wars, mass shootings, taking of hostages and concentration camps. Never yield to the myths of bourgeois justice or morality, they exist solely for perpetuation of class exploitation. Once you triumph, you’ll introduce a new, better proletarian justice and proletarian morality. Once the oppressing classes lose their political power, you must immediately nationalize most, or all of the means of production. Anything larger than the ethnic grocery shop at the corner, anyway. You shall not forget the shop for long, though, because the small-bourgeois instincts of its dark-skinned owners in the long run inevitably produce the most reactionary forms of large-bourgeois ideology. Political rights of the oppressing classes must be revoked. No voting rights, no right to establish political parties etc. All bourgeois media must be confiscated, any attempts to spread bourgeois propaganda punished. Introduce a strict censorship. Keep a strict party discipline. Some of your comrades will inevitably get wrong ideas about confiscating bourgeois homes, shooting saboteurs, torturing organizers of subversive actions, and other necessary measures of class struggle. These comrades must be censured or purged from the party. If they persist in their erroneous small-bourgeois ways, they must be treated in line with the worst of class enemies. Revolution must be able to defend itself. Establish a large, well-armed defense force and an omnipresent, highly efficient secret police. Once the oppressing classes in the entire world are eradicated, you may consider to abolish your Communist state. But until then, these will be inviolable guarantors of your victorious proletarian state. From here, using your well-deserved power of the armed proletariat, you use your own discretion for further advancement of the Communist cause. This is well-tested many places and worked perfectly in Russia, China, Cuba and many other places. Don’t listen to what the detractors say about so-called crimes and demise of Communism. The Korean communists have been holding their ground for 70 years. Maybe, you are the one who one day finds a way to beat that record. This is what it’s like to be a true Communist!


补充一下,作者是苏联宣传部成员(he works for Soviet propoganda)

Tachikoma at 2018-03-11

quora 链接是「毛泽东是个怎样的人?」

无名 at 2018-03-11

@daidai 开头有说,在问题评论里

Tachikoma at 2018-03-11

刚好前几天英俄间谍事件认识了binary weapon这个词, 答主拿来比喻共产主义真是妙趣横生. CCP给共产主义贡献的一些新motto用来完善这个答案再合适不过,比如摸着石头过河. @共青团 , 请派团员将“三个代表”重要理论成果投至quora镇楼😄

durian at 2018-03-20