
By 无名 at 2019-06-15

https://www.bondcap.com/report/itr19/ 最后一部分是对中国互联网里小程序、支付宝蚂蚁森林、拼多多等的数据总结。

Mary Meeker has released her annual internet trends report. This year’s report, wighing in at 333 slides, seems a bit weaker than previous reports; its education coverage (starting on p. 233, and again for China on p. 328) points to a few US-based cost and enrollment statistics, some data from Coursera and very broad trends in a few market segments. The 4.5B Annual Hours of ‘How-To’ YouTube Video Viewership is hugely significant, but it’s just left hanging. The more interesting bits in the report are elsewhere. Highlights include: her discussion of freemium (p. 89), of the new role for data (p. 134, 147), on-demand work (p. 227), and Doximity, a million-member physician social network that can assist referrals by specialization (p. 282).

互联网, 趋势


小二 at 2019-06-15