
By DickFear at 2019-05-26

“游戏障碍”世卫组织ICD11通过,全球游戏产业呼吁重新考虑 https://www.polygon.com/2019/5/25/18639893/gaming-disorder-addiction-world-health-organization-who-icd-11


Last year, mental health professionals who spoke to Polygon criticized the listing of “gaming disorder” as “rushed” and a “junk diagnosis.” One argued that the WHO was pressured by Asian member states to add “gaming disorder,” noting that China and South Korea in particular have battled gaming addiction at a policy level. The WHO denied that political pressure influenced the adoption of the gaming disorder text.

The ICD is not law, nor does it have the force of it. But it is greatly influential in how professionals and policy makers study and propose treatment or intervention in public health matters. That influence can be felt at a patient level. Last year, a clinical psychologist noted to Polygon that he deals with parents convinced their children are addicted to games, and worries that the WHO’s actions will worsen their fears and reactions.

游戏, 障碍, 世卫组织, icd, 产业


DickFear at 2019-05-26

2017年8月21日 国家卫生和计划生育委员会李斌主任会见了谭德塞总干事,并代表中国与世卫组织签署了一项谅解备忘录,额外自愿捐款2000万美元,用于支持世卫组织在全球开展工作。世卫组织和中国同意加强合作,以减少突发卫生事件的影响,建立更强大的卫生系统,实现全民健康覆盖,并在全球卫生工作中特别重视妇女、儿童和青少年安康。

DickFear at 2019-05-26


DickFear at 2019-05-26


DickFear at 2019-06-06

研究称:玩暴力游戏的孩子更容易使用枪支造成威胁 - 警告! - cnBeta.COM https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/853735.htm

玩游戏和犯罪行为有关联? 日本富士电视台报道引争议 - IT 与健康 - cnBeta.COM https://hot.cnbeta.com/articles/game/854293.htm

在这个手机成瘾的时代 游戏或许能够增进人们的友谊 - 游戏 - cnBeta.COM https://hot.cnbeta.com/articles/game/854697.htm

诊疗1.7万沉迷青少年,韩专家:88%的人病根不是游戏 - 游戏 - cnBeta.COM https://hot.cnbeta.com/articles/game/854663.htm

DickFear at 2019-06-06